Friday, July 25, 2008

Liberal Sheep

...But in the end, the sheep decided to do the right, conservative thing. They deployed their nuclear missiles, and sure as hell killed the wolves, but killed themselves in the process. But it's OK, because they were practicing conservatism, and conservatism is always right!Seriously, do you hold any liberal views at all? Do you even know what they are? Or do you just randomly spew hatred because that's what the conservative establishment has taught you?

Are any liberal views worth holding? Are they American views?
Dennis Prager. Are you a Liberal? Don't read it. Your myopic worldview would shatter.

Dennis Prager's that guy who tried to rile up anti-Muslim sentiment by making it sound like Keith Ellison using the Koran was a bad thing. If I read anything by him, I would probably lose half my capacity for rational thought. And you dare to call me myopic? Take a look in the mirror. I've admitted that I hold some conservative views, but you are unwilling to learn ANYthing besides the worldview you already hold. Frankly, I really don't know why I continue to talk to you. I guess I just can't help it.

I'm open to it as soon as liberals adopt some American values. Hard work, personal resposibility, small government, low taxes, personal liberty, etc. When did socialism become an Am value for libs?

I did not become a socialist by choice. I became a socialist because I realized that corporate capitalism is a deadly scam, and I simply can't support it. And when you're running away from corporate capitalism, the only way to go is left. You don't realize that corporate rule is worse than big government, but I actually forgive you because most people don't. Hard work and responsibility? Corporations eliminated those when they started ruling our lives. In exchange for the easy life, we get zero responsibility. Corporate domination is as bad as big government. Really, what's the difference? Taxes? What Americans need to realize is that what puts more money in their pocket is not necessarily good for the country. Quite the opposite usually. And personal liberty? Have I not made that clear? With corporations dominating every aspect of our lives, we have no liberty. Go out tomorrow, and try to live a corporation-free day. You can't. No one can. They control every facet of our lives, which is NOT the American way. The American Way is about independence, self-sufficiency and hard work, something that corporate America offers none of. The American dream is about striking out on your own and finding your road of life, not whoring your mind out to corporations in exchange for a few cushy comforts. If it was government trying to control us like this, you'd be furious, and I would too, but what's the difference? What's the difference between big gov and big corporations? Instead of flinging another glib reply at me, think about that for a while.

What is it w/ you and corps? Did one lose your rebate? Yeah, corps are run by lazy malignant robots, not other people. Don't corps produce medicine, prosthetics, granola and the kool aid you drink? Like people, corp come in all types. Be part of good 1 or start 1. Corps are 1 of the things that make America great.

What is it with me and corps? What is it with you and liberals? I have simply weighed the facts, considered my personal impulses, and decided that corporations are the root cause of problems in America today, like you have with liberals. I can't logically defend my position aside from "I think they're bad, here's some proof" which is what you do with liberals, except without the proof.

(at this pt I am worn down.)

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