Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Conservative Anthropologist

This is the most pathetic argument you've made so far. I may have said that before, but you just keep topping yourself. Deep down, you know that liberals are right, and you're wrong, so you dis their manhood. You sit and say "Hey, look at the girly men! They're so gay!" Ten-year old boys use that logic at recess. If this is the best you can do, then you lose.

It's an just observation. Sorry if it hit home for you.have a nice day

An "observation"? Funny. Try an age-old stereotype that has been used so often it has lost any and all weight. I believe that many conservatives don't support eco-friendly living or society-based legislation because they find them unmasculine: "I don't need no fluorescent bulbs! I'm a MAN, Damnit!" This argument only leads to self-destruction. If these dudes really had the traditional masculine sense of self-sacrifice and responsibility, they would lose their facades of anger and realize that liberals are right after all. Why do think that hawkish neo-cons-Wolfowitz, Kristol, Cheney, and the rest-are now out of fashion? People were sick of policymakers and writers trying to lead with their sperm cells. The root of conservatism is selfish greed, and I can't think of anything less manly than that.

...says the hyphenated male. Don't get your panties in a bunch. Feminist have emasculated liberal men. To argue diff seems a bit catty.

If the only argument you can make is that I'm emasculated, then I win. You can't win this argument on middle-school logic. And what does "hyphenated male" mean anyway? Are you telling people that I'm a transvestite now?

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