Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Meanwhile in Public School

This is what I have to deal with:

"Fear vehicles, industry, livestock, and the First World" huh? Not a bad idea. Cars are an environmental nightmare, most corporations are intent on fattening their own wallets at the expense of everyone else, the conditions in the meatpacking industry are atrocious, and the First World's policy of "It's my right to have everything I want, all the time, and anyone who tells me different is a terrorist" will lead us to ecocide. By the way, you're signature? Don't make me laugh. You want a non-conformist? Read the works of Kalle Lasn. That guy takes conservatism and rapes it up the ass, exposing it for the crock it is. You won't be left with a leg to stand on.

To me, liberals-or socialists, have a stronger stance on morality in government than capitalists do. Pure capitalism is impossible without making sure that those that obtain power economically do not also gain political power for economic reasons. Obviously, industrialization and the need for anti-trust laws, caused by corruption funded by those benefiting the most from its fruits, have shown us that the changes in the market place since the inception of capitalism as our economic system cannot allow for pure capitalism. Just like, as much as we like to think of ourselves as a democracy, we are not a pure democracy. We need to reinstate a form of slavery, or exclusion in order to do that.Therefore, socialists programs create a sense of greater good throughout, without religious conflicts. Allowing more direct help to the people who are contributing to the money they are giving to the government, through business. They also have more control over where other monies go. It would also mean more money could go to our public schools, and teachers could use something other than their netflix account in order to provide teaching materials.America will still prosper because we have myriad forms of natural and physical resources. I don't think it is wrong to believe that Americans can do good for Americans, and should even have a sense of altruism when it comes our income. We all prosper by one another, we should be willfully contributing to the prosperity of others. When government officials look out more for their pockets than the people they represent, we need to look to make changes. But we can still keep many of the attributes that make us, and will always make us, a great nation.that being said...I love your farside style. I like a lot of your punchlines, even if I don't like the delivery, or intent. I think you have a good sense of humor, and I wish you the best of luck.

I only want to butt-in on one point- More $ will not help the public schools. It hasn't helped in the past 30 years.ok... two points...- If the gov't takes your money by force, even if it is to help people, that's not altruism.Have a nice day.

Alas, a sane voice. Thank you.


Obviously a product of pub school. have a nice day.
AND THE CONservative!!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Cautious Christmas


Read a real book maybe and stop worrying. Nobody is stealing the Holiday you stole from the Pagans. If there is one thing I can not stand it's NeoCons bitching about Christmas. I don't know if you have the capacity to notice things around you, but on the TV, the Advertisements, radio, store displays, it all says Christmas. of course, you Religious Types love to get as pissed off over hearing Happy Holidays as idiot Liberals do over hearing Merry Christmas. Not that you would ever admit to it.


Sadly I believe this is where the world is headed -__- When christmas came last year I was afraid to say merry christmas to customers


Yes, I agree. When Bill O'Reilly fought the anti-Christmas (Christian) nazi last year, most of the media scoffed, called him crazy. What anti-Xmas bias? Walmart and others at 1st did not use/say the dreaded word until Bill made an issue of it. The stores want the xmas cash but won't acknowledge the reason for the season. insane.

Bill O'Reilly is a c**k su***ing womanizing sexual harassing hypocrite. But i'm sure your Messiah will forgive him. Just keep s***ing that jesus c**k and you can do anything! Hypocritical assholes. O'Reilly didn't save christmas, christmas doesn't need to be saved because it is in no danger. Greed will keep it alive.

As long as Christmas is profitable, there will be Christmas. All Hail Mammon! America's TRUE Lord and Savior!

Why do you even care? Nobody is going to arrest you for saying Merry Christmas, I say Merry Christmas, the vast majority of people do. The Religious Right just likes to make non-issues into big raging brouhahas so they can act like they actually do something. if you are really afraid to tell somebody Merry Christmas then you are one sad pussified excuse for a human being. Do what you like and stop playing like you're being persecuted against.

I also like how you managed to rip off both gary larson AND Seinfeld! Now to the Festivus pole, we all sing, yada yada yada.

Conservative Anthropologist

This is the most pathetic argument you've made so far. I may have said that before, but you just keep topping yourself. Deep down, you know that liberals are right, and you're wrong, so you dis their manhood. You sit and say "Hey, look at the girly men! They're so gay!" Ten-year old boys use that logic at recess. If this is the best you can do, then you lose.

It's an just observation. Sorry if it hit home for you.have a nice day

An "observation"? Funny. Try an age-old stereotype that has been used so often it has lost any and all weight. I believe that many conservatives don't support eco-friendly living or society-based legislation because they find them unmasculine: "I don't need no fluorescent bulbs! I'm a MAN, Damnit!" This argument only leads to self-destruction. If these dudes really had the traditional masculine sense of self-sacrifice and responsibility, they would lose their facades of anger and realize that liberals are right after all. Why do think that hawkish neo-cons-Wolfowitz, Kristol, Cheney, and the rest-are now out of fashion? People were sick of policymakers and writers trying to lead with their sperm cells. The root of conservatism is selfish greed, and I can't think of anything less manly than that.

...says the hyphenated male. Don't get your panties in a bunch. Feminist have emasculated liberal men. To argue diff seems a bit catty.

If the only argument you can make is that I'm emasculated, then I win. You can't win this argument on middle-school logic. And what does "hyphenated male" mean anyway? Are you telling people that I'm a transvestite now?